Upgrade to MegaMail service today.
MegaNet email customers currently using our older POP-based email service are encouraged to upgrade to our MegaMail service. Businesses on this older platform can take advantage of the enhanced features and services on MegaMail which are not offered on our POP-based email service.
If your user email accounts require two separate addresses, such as user@yourcompanyname.com which sends all email to an inbox such as user@meganet.net or user@cape.com, then your company qualifies for the upgrade to MegaMail, with no additional charges to you!
MegaMail empowers you by giving you complete control over your domain email while presenting you with the effortless ability to create users and aliases, on the fly. So, if you need scalable email services, from 10 users within a small office scenario or even 2000 users within a small campus environment, MegaMail will deliver.
Key Features
- Maintain complete control over your email accounts and aliases
- Use a fast, responsive web interface or email client software of your choice
- Realize ease-of-use Web Administration Interfaces
- Shared address books and calendars for all domain users (optional)
- Personalize your vacation messages and auto responders
- Customize and setup auto forwarding to other addresses
- Create aliases such as staff@yourdomain.com and configure multiple recipients
- Experience a dedicated technical support team – available 24 x 7 via email or by telephone during normal business hours