Fall River, MA – In an effort to broaden the utility of their current MegaFrame product, MegaNet will begin offering Frame Relay over DSL. Slated for third quarter, this new offering promises to reduce local loop charges by 25% to 30% to customers currently using a carrier Frame Relay product.

MegaFrame is a private, Frame Relay/ATM data network that currently blankets Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, with expanded coverage in New York and Washington markets later this year . MegaNet’s MegaFrame service empowers organizations. This innovative service makes it possible to connect multiple locations within the multi-state coverage area via private high-speed connections — enabling the facilitation of private corporate networks, insulated from the Internet. MegaNet’s MegaFrame service represents a substantial cost savings over the frame relay services that are currently offered by the regional bells and national long distance carriers such as Verizon and AT&T. Private in-state connections have recognized on the average savings of 35% over current frame relay pricing. And, Inter-State connections have experienced savings of more than 50% vs. the current long distance carrier rates.

By leveraging their existing ATM core, MegaNet will “frame-in” Verizon DSL circuits to a customer’s existing private MegaFrame network. “The Frame over DSL offering is geared toward our client’s smaller remote locations”, said Eric Pilotte, Commercial Accounts Manager. Prior to Frame over DSL, implementing a VPN was the only good solution for smaller locations needing access to the private corporate network. In most circumstances the VPN option ends up being cost prohibitive and these remote locations often go without access to the corporate LAN, in turn making the employees at these locations less productive, while at the same time preventing the centralization of key business processes for the entire organization.

“We think this new offering will provide an upgrade path for companies utilizing older 56K Frame networks . . . our pricing will compare favorably with current 56K Frame costs while providing the customer with much needed increase in speed” said Paul Joncas CEO. “We are also exploring the possibility of using this product as cost effective, hot backup solution for existing T-1 applications.”

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