
Can standalone DSL provide better performance?

Many smaller businesses are very much still using DSL services to provide their Internet connection, along with other web-based services such as VoIP and VPN. It can be cost effective, and provide a good amount of bandwidth for a business that doesn’t heavily rely on the Internet on a day-in, day-out basis. One of the downsides to DSL service, and ADSL service in particular, has been the issue of performance. Not all DSL speeds are available to a customer based on location, unlike T1 service which guarantees bandwidth no matter where the customer is. Also, DSL speeds can fluctuate due to congestion on the shared network, or line noise can impact bandwidth delivery.

Because of these reasons some smaller businesses have looked into other types of bandwidth to provide Internet service to their users. Unfortunately though, in some instances other types of bandwidth such as cable modem aren’t available, or provide a cost barrier. Here in Massachusetts, for example, cable modem access isn’t available in some areas and T1 or Metro Ethernet can be prohibitive due to costs. We’ve seen that in areas of Rhode Island and New Hampshire as well.

For businesses that want DSL service, but have had issues in the past with performance and reliability, we’ve found that offering standalone DSL service can often help provide a much more reliable service than traditional line shared ADSL lines.

Standalone DSL service is provided through a dedicated phone line that’s not used for voice services, so there’s no need to worry about installing filters and splitters to enhance DSL service. When a customer wants standalone DSL, we have the phone company install what’s known as a dry loop – a phone line with no dialtone on it. We then use that dedicated line to provide MegaNet DSL service. In a situation where a customer (either a home or a business) no longer has a landline phone number, or is using VoIP, a standalone DSL line is commonly used since there’s no existing phone line that DSL service can be placed over.

By not using the line for traditional analog voice services, the standalone DSL in many cases can provide a cleaner signal from MegaNet to the customer, which in turn provides more reliable bandwidth and uptime. There’s less line noise to interfere with bandwidth performance, and the potential problem points of line filters and splitters are removed as well.

If a business wanted even more performance and guarantees, Ethernet over Copper is an option in some major metro areas as well. While it’s not traditional DSL, Ethernet over Copper uses phone lines that are specially conditioned to provide more bandwidth than ADSL services with better latency and more reliability. Ethernet over Copper can be offered anywhere from 2M through 20M, depending on location availability. For a business that needs higher speeds (especially on the upload) but can’t afford the higher pricing of Metro Ethernet, Ethernet over Copper can be the perfect service in between DSL and mission-critical bandwidth options.

Do you have DSL service, but feel you could have better speeds and performance? Please let us know – we can quickly and easily see what other services such as standalone DSL or Ethernet over Copper might be available to your location. Becoming more productive online may not be as costly or time consuming as you think!

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