
The important of email password security

One of the biggest issues facing any email provider is that of spam. Namely, reducing it! Stopping it from coming into the network and ending up in our user inboxes is important, however it’s also just as important to make sure our users aren’t unknowingly sending spam.

On the inbound side, we have a great managed spam filter that we are able to provide to our users. Regardless of what email platform they are on, users can opt-in to fully control their spam settings, filter strength, see what messages have been tagged as spam, etc. Business customers can also opt to have one domain adminstrator, or allow each individual user to manage their own spam filter levels and strength.

Even if our users opt not to take advantage of our managed filter, we still do our best to block known spam sources using a variety of techniques, including greylisting. This helps drastically reduce the amount of spam users need to filter out of their inboxes.

no spam

On the outbound side, like any other service provider, we need to make sure users on our network aren’t unknowingly sending spam out from their own accounts. Nowadays, bots and dictionary attacks tend to be the primary ways spammers are able to “borrow” accounts to send their spam; user accounts are almost always compromised when they have a very weak password that’s easier to be detected/cracked.

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