
Using VoIP For Call Tracking and Advertising

While VoIP has many great features, many customers key in on the cost savings and call flexibility it gives them over traditional phone service. A lot of businesses that move to VoIP see an average monthly cost savings of 30%, and gain a lot of features they didn’t have with analog lines or an older hardware-based PBX.

Along with that flexibility of service, additional options and features really help make VoIP an attractive service for businesses that want access to call routing, logging, and dialing features.

For instance, we have a marketing firm as a client; they offer their customers a variety of services, including print advertising along with online SEO and SEM services. Tracking online performance has become very easy with all of the options available between Google Analytics and local website traffic stats. But tracking print advertising can be a bit more of a daunting task, and sometimes businesses aren’t sure how well their ad dollars are being spent when spread out among various ads in different publications.

After speaking with the marketing firm, we realized we could very easily help out with our VoIP service. Our client had a very specific advertising campaign in mind, and were preparing the ads to be sent off to the publications their client had opted to advertise in. We provided the client with a group of local phone numbers, all of which we forwarded to their client’s main phone number. The marketing firm then placed a specific different phone number in each ad, and then sent them off for publication.

Once the phone numbers were assigned to the specific ads, our marketing firm client was given a login to our online VoIP portal where they could monitor the inbound call volume on the phone numbers we assigned to them. With just a few clicks, they could sort the inbound calls by phone number, by date, even by time to see which ads had generated the most phone calls. This allows them to quickly determine the best performing ads and markets for their client, so they can provide them with exact performance statistics. Now the client knows exactly where to spend their advertising dollars, and our client (the marketing firm) has provided a definite value-add for their print advertising clients.

We understand that no two clients have the exact same needs, and our services reflect that – we can customize many different offerings to make sure businesses have the right fit, every time. VoIP service in particular can be used by many industries in a variety of ways, not just as simple dial tone. The next time you are investigating how to increase performance or activity logging, take a look at VoIP to see how it can fit your needs.

Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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