About: MegaNet Team

We're passionate about all things related to telecommunications!

Recent Posts by MegaNet Team


Giving thanks

We’d like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all of our clients, vendors, and friends this Thanksgiving season. ]]>...

The important of email password security

One of the biggest issues facing any email provider is that of spam. Namely, reducing it! Stopping it from coming into the network and ending up in our user inboxes is important, however it’s also just as important to make sure our users aren’t unknowingly sending spam. On the inbound side, we have a great managed spam filter that we Continue Reading...

Metro Ethernet services are providing great value to our customers

Businesses have become so much more reliant on their dedicated Internet connections over the past few years, partly due to the rise of cloud-based services. Hosted VoIP/digital voice, streaming video, and offsite backup are just a few services that have led businesses to seek out more robust, reliable Internet connections....

Were your servers colocated in a data center during Hurricane Sandy?

Hurricane Sandy has come and gone here on the East Coast, and it’s safe to say we’re all happy to see her go. Widespread power and telco outages are still ongoing throughout the Northeast, affecting hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses. Many businesses in the Northeast are used to inclement weather, and a good number of those who have Continue Reading...

Yet another massive data breach due to lost backup tapes

A few days ago, it was reported that TD Bank had “misplaced” tapes used to backup customer data; the tapes were apparently lost in transit back in March. Even more distressing than the fact that the tapes were lost is knowing that the data is unencrypted – customer names, social security numbers, and bank account information are all contained on Continue Reading...

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