About: MegaNet Team

We're passionate about all things related to telecommunications!

Recent Posts by MegaNet Team


What makes one colo better than another?

We got some unexpected, yet welcomed feedback on our recent post about adding virtualization to a disaster recovery plan.  Specifically, a blog follower asked what makes one colo more desirable than another?  We hope this posting will answer your question. Colocation = Real Estate (for servers) Joining a colocation center is similar to a real estate transaction. That colo rack Continue Reading...

Disaster Recovery Planning and Virtualization

With the advent of multi-core CPUs, the deployment and use of virtual servers has become commonplace.  One of the easiest places introduce this technology is within your DR/Business Continuity plan. Most DR plans include physical backup servers that are tediously kept in sync with the primaries. These backup servers are housed in off-site locations and represent a duplicate cost component Continue Reading...

Small Business 101: Buy a Hybrid

For many small business, cost for a product or service is the corner stone of the purchasing decision. E-mail is the most crucial tool for day to day productivity. At MegaNet, we field a lot of questions from clients asking to setup their own Dedicated Mail Server. These services are not always the lowest cost solutions for the client. Enter the Continue Reading...

Email 101: POP vs IMAP

E-mail is one of the most crucial tools we use in business and personal communication. It is extremely important we can access our e-mail at work, on our laptops at home, and on the go with our cell phones. This article will walk you through the basic differences of POP vs IMAP and what it means to you....

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