About: MegaNet Team

We're passionate about all things related to telecommunications!

Recent Posts by MegaNet Team


VoIP and Small to Medium Business Cost Savings

It’s certainly no secret that businesses are always looking for reliable phone services that can reliably fit into their budget. As VoIP and digital voice become more widely adopted (a recent study has shown that VoIP usage is growing by 15% per year), businesses are seeing the benefits of both having more features and options than ever before, in addition Continue Reading...

Selecting the Best Email Solution for Your Business

Over the past decade, email service has become of the primary (if not THE primary) communications tool for so many business people. The days of simply pulling email off of your provider’s server are long gone – with tablets, smartphones, and instant access to email and contacts from anywhere, there are a number of different email services and platforms to Continue Reading...

Cloud services are driving larger bandwidth connections

A continuing trend we’ve seen throughout the years is the upward growth of bandwidth connections required by our customers. As bandwidth connections provide faster speeds, in turn services become more bandwidth intensive, so in essence they almost drive each other. Where a few years ago a T1 or DSL line would be more than enough, now bonded services and fiber-based Continue Reading...

Using Hosted PBX to stay productive and in touch

Cost savings with Hosted PBX is one of the primary factors businesses look at when considering making a change to their voice services. It makes sense – Hosted PBX can save upwards of 40% compared to traditional voice services. That sort of savings factors in the monthly service costs, drastically reduced surcharges and fees, and the cost of ownership of Continue Reading...

Can power costs (and power loss!) help justify colocation?

Recently an article in Informationweek raised 5 issues when it comes to data centers in 2013 (if you follow our Twitter feed you may have seen us send out the link). The number one issue raised in the article was about rising power consumption and costs incurred by data centers going forward, as so many more applications move to being Continue Reading...

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