Tag Archives: security


Creating A Secure Password

One of the most common issues our Support team faces is compromised customer passwords. These passwords are usually for their email accounts, but can also be compromised website administrative passwords as well. Usually we can catch a compromised account password fairly quickly; because we monitor traffic levels throughout our network we can determine if a website’s traffic suddenly jumps up Continue Reading...

Disaster Recovery and Your Small Business

Small business owners have a lot on their plates. Many are actively involved with day to day processes, working with customers, and are hands-on with their employees. Their business is their lifeblood, their pride and joy, and a primary driving factor in their lives. So – what would happen to that small business if a disaster were to occur, and Continue Reading...

Three Keys To Working From Home This Summer

It looks like warm, summer weather has finally taken root here in New England. Well… we hope it has, at least. This IS New England, so it might be in the 40’s next week. Still, it’s almost summertime and that usually means vacations and situations where employees may need to work from home, or remotely from another location outside of Continue Reading...

Is Your Web Browser Secure?

Microsoft once again found itself embroiled in a security issue when it was announced that multiple versions of Internet Explorer had a known vulnerability so bad that the US Department of Homeland Security advised web surfers to stop using it. Thankfully, the issue was fixed in both IE as well as Windows XP (despite Microsoft’s end of XP support) and users can Continue Reading...

5 Things About Colocation That Will Help Your Company

Server colocation is a topic that comes up often in many IT departments. While it can be a good idea to have some servers onsite for ease of use and access, there are more than a few instances where colocating your servers in a secure datacenter can often provide a higher benefit than keeping them inside your office or company’s Continue Reading...

Heartbleed and Your MegaNet Account Security

Last week, the Heartbleed bug made international news when it was discovered that many major organizations were identified as vulnerable, including Yahoo, Facebook, Tumblr, and Amazon Web Services. To be brief, the bug involved OpenSSL, a security device that has been in widespread use for years to protect data stored on servers, such as login credentials and user information. The Continue Reading...

Is Trusting Your Data To The Cloud Safe?

Cloud services have been the fastest growing segment of online products over the past few years. Gartner Research predicts that global spending on cloud services will reach $155 billion in 2014, and will be well over $210 billion in 2016, just two years away from now. Many businesses have realized the value of cloud services, both with costs and productivity. Continue Reading...

Data Loss Statistics, and How To Protect Your Company

When you hear the term “data loss”, it’s usually from a media report detailing the latest issue a company is facing. Unfortunately in today’s headlines, it’s Target that has announced it may have had over 40 million accounts compromised during the holiday shopping season. Here in Massachusetts businesses can be fined up to $5000 per customer record that’s lost or Continue Reading...

How Managed Security Can Help Stop Cryptolocker

Every now and again, a certain virus or trojan makes enough noise and causes enough damage to warrant serious media attention. Recently, the Cryptolocker virus has been in the media thanks to it’s devious ways of secretly encrypting user data and demanding a ransom before it will unlock the data it’s holding hostage. Symantec recently named the Cryptolocker as as Continue Reading...

The Benefits of Managed Firewalls and Security

Data loss is a subject that’s come up more and more in the news recently, and it’s an issue that’s certainly not going to go away any time soon. Thankfully, many companies have addressed concerns on their end by upgrading their network security, implementing employee policies, and instituting strict (but helpful) BYOD standards. Still, though, the aspects of data theft, Continue Reading...
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