About: MegaNet Team

We're passionate about all things related to telecommunications!

Recent Posts by MegaNet Team


Office 365 and Hosted Exchange: Which is right for you?

There’s no doubt about it; email is a crucial part of any business in today’s day and age. But did you know that some of the best options available to you can also be some of the most affordable? There’s no reason at all why you should settle for sub-par email products – particularly during this busy time of year. Enter Continue Reading...

Encrypting outgoing email with TLS

These days, it’s become commonplace to transmit sensitive information via email. For users looking for added security, Meganet Communications offers SMTP TLS encryption for outgoing mail. As a note, the following is applicable to users who use Meganet’s main mail servers. You use these services if: You check your email on webmail.meganet.net or… You use a mail client and your outgoing Continue Reading...

US-CERT warns of heightened DDOS threats

Following a large-scale DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack targeted at Brian Krebs’ security blog at krebsonsecurity.com, US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) is warning of heightened DDOS threats on the web. A DDoS attack, at its core, is the act of overloading a website or service by overloading a server (or servers) with an incredibly high volume of Continue Reading...

Meganet Now Offering Up to 10 & 15Mbps (Download Speeds) DSL at Qualifying Locations

Meganet Communications is proud to offer new and existing DSL users additional speed options effective immediately. Previously, DSL download speeds were limited to up to 7Mbps. With the additional options now available through Meganet, customers at qualifying locations can choose from the following packages: Download/Upload Speed & Price: 10Mbps/1Mbps: $58.96 15Mbps/1Mbps: $66.96 As these higher speeds are reliant on distance Continue Reading...

When speed and reliability matters, Metro Ethernet is a solid choice

Think about the business that you conduct on the web every day. Perhaps you trade securities on the stock market, or maybe you’re sending extremely large files to an office on the other side of the country. For many companies, most if not all of their business is done on the internet. And for many of these businesses, dealing with Continue Reading...

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