About: MegaNet Team

We're passionate about all things related to telecommunications!

Recent Posts by MegaNet Team


Why VoIP is the Future of Business Telephony

When it comes to technology, it seems that everything around us is changing almost at a moment’s notice. Smartphones, WiFi-enabled gadgets, wearable technology, tablets. It’s happening at record pace. But for many businesses, the phone systems they rely on and use to conduct business have largely remained unchanged. These businesses are placing their faith on antiquated technology that is complex and Continue Reading...

How Ransomware Might Be Your Biggest Threat Online This Year

Ransomware. It’s one of those words you’ve probably heard before, but haven’t given much thought to. But considering the fact that you’re one of the estimated three billion users of the Internet around the world (according to Time), it’s something you’ll certainly want to familiarize yourself with. Defined simply, ransomware is malicious software which will effectively hold your computer(s) hostage until a ransom Continue Reading...

Severe Weather Notice: Support Information

On Tuesday, January 26th, our technical support offices in Fall River, Massachusetts will be closed due to severe weather conditions caused by the upcoming blizzard. Our Network Operations Center will remain staffed. Due to forecasted high winds and a large volume of snow, certain services (particularly those reliant on telephone lines) may be impacted. We will be working closely with Continue Reading...

Telecommuting With the Proper Internet and Voice Tools

This week, one of the biggest pieces of news (if not *the* biggest) was Yahoo’s announcement to their workforce that as of later this year, they could no longer telecommute. With high speed Internet access in nearly every residence, companies have become quite used to, if not encouraging of, workers telecommuting on an occasional or full time basis. Based on Continue Reading...

Advantages of Wireless Internet Access in Fall River

Customers local to our main office in Fall River, Massachusetts are very familiar with our two wireless Internet offerings. For residential and small business users, we offer MegaBroadband service which is a DSL equivalent service. And for businesses that rely on the Internet heavily, we offer a commercial class service called MegaNet Business Wireless. Both services are available throughout the Continue Reading...

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