A ransomware program first discovered on the 12th of May has now infected upwards of 200,000 computer systems around the world, various news outlets report. Dubbed ‘WannaCry’, the trojan virus operates by holding an infected computer’s file hostage with a demand for payment, typically with cryptocurrency like bitcoin. The first demanded ransom is $300. If the victim does not pay Continue Reading...
The MegaNet Blog

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is one just one of many ways businesses all over the world are modernizing their communications. Businesses can use their existing Internet connection to place and receive calls with crystal-clarity. In addition, VoIP offers features and flexibility that antiquated phones systems cannot – all at an affordable price! With Meganet’s Hosted PBX service, you Continue Reading...

Take a look at the software you use every day. When is the last time you’ve updated it? For many, keeping software up to date is not a priority – because as some say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Our technical support team runs into all types of software when troubleshooting with customers, and it’s not at all Continue Reading...

Passwords. You probably have a significant number of them. One for your Facebook. Another for email. Yet another one to log into your bank account. How does one effectively manage all of his/her passwords? It can be a complex undertaking – especially keeping track of which password is used for each service. But there is a way to keep organized, Continue Reading...

While a good amount of business today is conducted over the Internet, there are times that you just need to pick up the phone and make a call. And with antiquated telephone systems in use all over, you may find that experience in itself to be frustrating. But telephony as we know it has transformed by leaps and bounds with Continue Reading...

It probably goes without saying that conducting business today can be very difficult without reliable internet access, and yet, scores of businesses around the world make do with sub-par connections. From slow T1 to DSL connections, businesses are putting up with slow speeds and antiquated technologies when they shouldn’t have to. But these businesses should know that superior options like Continue Reading...

Did you know that 49% of businesses do not backup their data on a daily basis? Further, did you know that 49% of businesses have reported data loss during some time in the past two years? Startling, isn’t it? So if you fall into either statistic, and you’re wondering when it’s time to get your business set up on a Continue Reading...

For those of us that use email — which, if we are being frank, is most of us — spam is a major problem. Depending on how exposed your email is to the web, you may receive a couple of spam messages daily, or hundreds if you’re particularly unlucky. Many of us have learned to just live with it and Continue Reading...

Have you given any thought to how much you’re spending on keeping your critical business functions alive? Phone systems, email, web sites, and more. Many businesses choose to host all of these services on-site. But there’s a less expensive and more reliable way to ensure your business keeps in touch with the world with incredible reliability. Hosted solutions. To explain Continue Reading...

As 2016 wraps up, we would just like to remind you to please take steps to ensure that your email accounts stay safe and secure in the new year. 1. Please remember that we here at Meganet will never send you an email asking you for your password. Nor will we ever send you link asking you to update your Continue Reading...